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Concerning That Chad Guy...

     Chad Littlejohn.  21 years old.  I'm told that in that picture to the right, I don't look a day over 19.  I don't see it, but there ya go...

     I created this website as a showcase for my digitally-created Photoshop art.  My room is actually plastered with many of the pieces you see on this site.  Most of the pieces start off with no clear intentions; I just keep working on them until I say they're done, which is usually more than once.  Some of this stuff is just there to show that I hopefully have a sense of humor, i.e. the giraffe fugitives.

     Also, I wanted to show off a little bit of what Photoshop can do as far as clearing up photographs.  These days, I don't even sweat about trying to get the perfect picture.  I know that if there's something I don't like when it's printed off, Photoshop can fix it up later as I see fit.  Like any other program, it's simply another tool in the arsenal of the artist, designer, or hoaxer.

     Enjoy the site (it's getting redundant saying that) and check back (semi-) often for updates.     -Chad

Literary Quote of the Month:

"A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of."

-Burt Bacharach

Random Quote of the Month

But every time I learn something new, it pushes out something old! Remember that time I took a home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?

-Homer Simpson


Arr! Here be the bottom.