Photoshop's Real World Applications (How To Make A Better Picture)
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Adjusted Photos

     While Photoshop is great for creating original art such as that found on my various other pages and all around the site, it is also extraordinarily useful as a tool for improving and adjusting existing photographs.  Photographers no longer need worry about what they're shooting, and what is or isn't in the frame at the time.  If there are ugly power lines in the way, they can be removed.  If a relative isn't there for a family photo, they can be inserted in.  Photographs are becoming less trustworthy, to be sure, but better and more fun regardless!! 

     On this page, you'll see examples I've done of removing various things from pictures, as well as adding pieces that were never really there.  They range from slightly subtle to WAY EXTREME .

Arc de Triumph

In this comparison shot, you can see that the original photo on the left was pretty dirty and blemished.  There were people walking around near the base, not to mention an ugly car and street lamp.  A tree that was in the way was also removed.


Okay, so I wanted a challenge.  I mustv'e been in a good mood. First off, the safety barrier in the water was removed, as well as cones on the beach.  Then, there was the slightly tedious process of removing each and every person from the beach, as well as all buildings from the background, leaving no trace of human life.  This is a good example of an extreme-clean done to a busy photograph.  Hopefully, just take a picture when no one's there.

Street Corner-Van Nuys, CA

In this comparison shot, the top picture shows us that there were a few too many shadows littering an otherwise fine photo, so those were removed.  And as much as I like the look of the street lights, they had to go.  Trash cans, cars driving down the street, fire hydrants, traffic lights, and some unwanted signs were also taken out, leaving us with a much cleaner street.

Beach 2

In this comparison shot, you can see that we had a beautiful picture of this beach.  However, let's lose the surfers!  While we're at it, the seagull has got to go.  And to finish everything up, I fixed the light levels and colors, improving the overall image all the more!

More Comparison/Manipulation Pics on Manipulation fun-THE SEQUEL Page





End o' the line, dude.