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Photoshop Art

Photoshop Art 2-THE SEQUEL

Manipulation Fun


Manipulation Fun-THE SEQUEL

Poster Designs-Movie Theatre

Resident Evil Poster Contest

Sketches-Life Drawing

The Latest News

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Comings & Goings Around Here...

8/27/04  Okey dokey.  My brand new website is up & running!  The place to find my stuff is now www.graphicbandito.com.  So many improvements to this site it's not even funny.  Easier name to remember.  No pop-ups.  No banner ads.  No restrictions to the look of the site.  WAY more space.  WAY better layout.  No more waiting for huge pages to load.  The new site has been created by me from the ground-up, from scratch, teaching myself as I go along.  Thanks for coming by this site, & I hope you stop by the new one soon.  Thanks everyone!  Enjoy it!

7/27/04  Right on time, new art has arrived on the first Photoshop Art page, along with improved versions of previous pics.  Some older pics were taken down, leaving lovely blank spots on the page, but that'll be rectified soon.  Also, how about that new intro pic on the home page?  Pretty sweet, eh?

7/25/04  Alrighty.  Slew of new Photoshop Art on the way soon.  In the meantime, there's a great new page: Resident Evil Poster Contest.  Just what it says, my 3 entries for the recent Resident Evil Poster Design Contest, which I unfortunately did not become a finalist in.  But that's okay.  I still like for people to be able to see them.  Enjoy!

6/11/04  On a roll now.  The Sketches-Life Drawing page has been newly updated and revamped.  The previous pictures were of poor quality, i.e. low res. & blurry.  I forgot about that and meant to make the changes some time ago.  Whoopsy.  But, said pictures are now 100% better and positively beaming!   In addition, a couple of different sketches are now there to be seen.

6/9/04  TWO full updates in TWO days?!  What madness is this?!?!  I now have an entirely new page: Poster Designs-Movie Theatre, which shows some posters that I made for contests that are running at my local movie theatre!  Check 'em out!

6/8/04  Holy freakin' cow!  Has it been that long since I updated?!  Yikes.  Well, here we go at last.  I've added a great new page of digitally-manipulated photographs.  From giant waves to freaking weird creatures, it's got it all, baby!  I've added some new/improved pictures to the Photoshop Art page for your perusal, too!  Look for more updates to this section within the next week.  Also, I now have a second website up and running at http://graphic-bandito.tripod.com/

It features a few things you might recognize from this site, but it's mostly different stuff!  Finally, since I'm writing this update, that itself is an update, so that's updated!  One more thing: my Time Traveling Monkey logo thing on the 'About' page has been completely redesigned.  Take a looksy, ya?  Now THAT'S an update!!    Thanks all!  Ciao!!

2/25/04  I am now linked to Zazzle.com.  At Zazzle, I have various images seen on this site available for purchase in everything from portfolio size to poster sizes!!  Alternate versions of some things seen on this site are currently available there, with many more prints to follow soon! 

2/13/04  Friday the 13th.  Agghh!!  Anywho, I added a whole new page of Photoshop art!  Also, I added some more Photoshop pics to the Photoshop/Maya page.  Enjoy!!!

1/22/04 There are now four picture pages!  Pages are now in a new order.  Be advised!  The first page contains Photoshop-created art/posters.  The second page is the new page which contains photographs that have been manipulated/adjusted within Photoshop.  From things as simple as removing a light pole, to as complicated as removing people from a busy beach, these pics show the power of Photoshop for real-world, everyday applications.  Now, any picture can be perfect as deemed by the user!  The third page contains additional Photoshop work as well as a few renders of Wally, a character I created in Maya.  The fourth page now houses my traditional drawing/lighting examples.  Look for a complete improvement overhaul on this page soon!  Everyone enjoy!

1/16/04  I now have 3 pages of pictures!  The first page is Photoshop stuff.  The second page has examples of "traditional" hand-drawn work with graphite, ink, and other media.  Page 3 includes more Photoshop work, including pics that were originally hand-drawn sketches, as well as Wally, a character I created in Maya.  Enjoy the goodies! 

1/13/04  Good news!  I now have a banner and annoying pop-ups on my site!  Yay!  Rejoice in the insanity that is the world wide web.  Have a great day everybody, and every time you get a pop-up, be sure to swear!!  :)

1/03/04  Finished adding Photoshop jpegs to the photos page.  Done, for now.  The artier, more abstract stuff is shown first.  Following that are some more realistic examples done simply for fun.  Hope you enjoy them.  Check back soon for more pics, but of course!  :)

1/02/04  WE HAVE GONE LIVE PEOPLE!!  Happy New Year to everybody!!  This site is brand new and went live today!  Excellent.  Enjoy the original Photoshop art.  Check back often for updates!  :)



The Edge of the World. Or, the bottom of the page. Whichever...